What is Regenerative Agriculture?

We can cool and regenerate the Earth, and feed the world, by becoming responsible stewards, producers, consumers, citizens.  Regenerative agriculture addresses climate change by drawing down carbon from the atmosphere and restoring it in the soil.  

See this webpage from our CSA website: Regenerative Agriculture

and this beautiful educational graphic called Biodynamic Farming is Regenerative Agriculture from Demeter Association. 


"There is an urgent need to move beyond agricultural systems defined as sustainable and beyond degenerative industrial agriculture and move forward toward regenerative processes.” -- regenerationinternational.org

“We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental. Strategies for a solution demand an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature.”
-- Pope Francis in the encyclical Laudato Si

“Agriculture that sequesters carbon is also agriculture that addresses our planetary water crisis, extreme poverty, [public health] and food insecurity while protecting and enhancing the environment now and for future generations.”
-- Regenerative Organic Agriculture and Climate Change: A Down-to-Earth Solution to Global Warming paper by The Rodale Institute