A statement on the current times

The intention to express human unity is growing daily within the hearts of people everywhere.  In the birthing of a just, interdependent global society we need, above all, more light, love and spiritual will.  (from World Invocation Day flyer)

There is much information on the internet and in discussion from friend and foe about what is happening in the world today.  Some believe Armageddon is coming or that we are in the midst of it while some say it is the dawn of a Golden Era.  The approach of this Ashram at this time is to acknowledge that dark forces exist and to focus on the light to overcome.  Just as we switch on the light to dispel darkness to walk through a room, we need light to walk through this era to overcome fear and uncertainty and to protect ourselves, individually and collectively, to literally support the coming of the new era.

The problems of these times are known deep within us – consciously or unconsciously.  Things have been building up for a long long time and people are waking up more and more.   The problems are intense, to say the least.  Prophecies and teachings point to this as a time of great world transition.  Victor Vyasa Landa, our founder and teacher, said to embrace it as a new beginning. We have been told that Satya Sai Baba said nothing can stop the Golden Age from coming – it is only a matter of whether we are with it or not.  We have been told that on a global level, everything is already done; while on the individual level, one has to make a choice to put love and light in the world.  The message is that this is a time of total transformation and to not put attention on the darkness but on how each one of us can contribute to the light. 

Blessed with all of Guruji’s teachings and training, the Shanti Yoga Ashram and School of Life is focusing on contributing in whatever way possible to help create the new world that we believe is on the horizon.  Whether called the Golden Era, the Age of Aquarius or simply world transition, we see the opportunity, nay the mandate, to muster our courage and work together in community - our own community, our country and the global village of the planet - by putting forth a call from our minds with hearts full of compassion to overcome the tribulations by envisioning and contributing to create a new world of love, peace, harmony, safety, autonomy, fairness, integrity, creativity, true joy, and unity fulfilling universal human needs in ways wildly beyond what humanity has seen before. 

Suffering and struggle abound, confusion and distrust, loss and despair.  Theories abound as well as prophecies of old that speak of maliciousness to control the world.  Yet, as individuals and as society, we can turn away from such darkness: from how money and technology have replaced faith in God;  from exploitation, greed, and lust; from rampant consumerism, manipulation of opinions, contentless entertainment; from economic disparity, from sound-bites for the complexities of human existence.   Such forces cannot succeed without support.  These dark forces are self-destructing and will fall. 

Remembering - we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around. We are here to discover who we really are; and to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.  We are here to help Mother Earth heal and evolve.  As with all spiritual practices, pure intention, consistency, connection, hard work and grace will take us where we are meant to be. 

Om shanti,
Lakshmi Landa

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